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  1. Preps Administration

    mark variables. Set up the software licensing. Review status information about job activities. 管理 Verwaltung Amministrazione ŠÇ— Administração
    Preps 11Aug 30, 2024
  2. Label marks

    contain placeholders for text. You can place label marks anywhere on a substrate, and the software replaces the placeholder text with the variable text from the job. The mark color is set by default. You can define the variable text for the label marks LBL_Contact Name, LBL_Contact Phone, LBL_Customer, LBL_Job ID
    Pandora 10.0Dec 06, 2023
  3. Setting preferences for the High Resolution Sheet Viewer

    file. Angle Measure: Select Counter Clockwise or Clockwise to set the direction of the angle measured when you use the Measure tool. Units: Select Millimeters
    MPI 8.3Oct 05, 2020
  4. Setting preferences for the High Resolution Sheet Viewer

    file. Angle Measure: Select Counter Clockwise or Clockwise to set the direction of the angle measured when you use the Measure tool. Units: Select Millimeters
    MPI 8.4Apr 22, 2020
  5. Including the rule set name when reporting exceptions

    not be obvious which rule set an exception is originating in. With the introduction of rule set variables it is now possible to create a string rule set variable that contains the name of the rule set. The name of the rule set can then be included in the logging of the exception by referencing the rule set variable. To create
    Prinergy 9.0Apr 13, 2021
  6. About custom file naming

    information about the job or element. You can use custom fields to create variable marks and custom file naming. For example, if you have created custom fields at the job level or job element level (page, page set, imposition, signature, surface, and separation), you can use them for variable marks and custom file naming
    Prinergy 10.0May 28, 2024
  7. Type and concurrency

    Access to variables is always serialized so no explicit synchronization is needed by the user as long as a variable of the appropriate type is used for the situation. Each variables type will determine the concurrency semantics in a given situation. For example, if a global variable is used to store a string
    Prinergy 9.0Apr 13, 2021
  8. New Features in Prinergy Workflow 9.5

    : There is a new Page Labels column in the Pages panes under the Pages and Signature tabs in Workshop. The Page Labels column supports sorting. The new variable mark $[PageLabels] can be placed in Preps, Pandora, and PLA, or used in Slugline output under Loose Page output templates. The new naming variable %PageLabels% can
    Prinergy 9.5Feb 13, 2024
  9. Sample: Make plates and automatically select the process template

    Use the Make Plates - Auto-Select Process Template sample rule set to select a process template based on variables. rba_makeplates_rule.png   What the rule … of a process template based on a variable that could be different every time the rule runs (in this sample, the variable is the imposition name). Events
  10. Tell me more about custom file naming

    of the printed sheet, you can add the Surface variable mark as %OutputSheetNum%%Surface% Paddedoutputsheetnum<n> Output Padded output sheet number is padded … custom naming variables, there are some special variables you can use: %Lowpagenumber% This is a newspaper specific value that is the low page folio on any
    Evo 10.0Jun 06, 2023