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  1. Rotating a file in Compare mode

    . Click the Rotate button and from the list that appears, select 90° clockwise, 90° counter clockwise, or 180° to rotate the file.       比較表示で、異なる向きの画像を比
    IPP 10.0Feb 07, 2024
  2. Creating actions

    >\<ShareName>\<FolderName>\ The destination folder must already exist. Note: You may use variables in the folder path. See About variables in destination folder paths … >\<ShareName>\<FolderName>\」の形式で、ファイルのコピー先フォルダへのパスを入力します。 保存先フォルダが既に存在している必要があります。 注意:フォルダのパスには変数を使用できます。詳細については、 About variables in destination folder pathsを参照してくだ
    IPP 10.0Aug 28, 2024
  3. plate line

    characteristics of platesetters and variations in processor chemistry are two variables that can cause different plating output from a plate line. For example, if you … químicos del procesador son dos variables que pueden causar diferentes salidas de plancha de una línea de plancha. Por ejemplo, si tiene dos filmadoras de
    ColorFlow 11.0Aug 27, 2024
  4. Example: Split Offset with Rotation web growth profile

    number causes the software to compensate by rotating the image in a counter-clockwise direction. A negative number causes clockwise rotation. Profile Example … .25 / 27.75 = .9.) A positive number causes the software to compensate by rotating the image in a counter-clockwise direction. A negative number causes clockwise
    Prinergy 9.5Apr 05, 2022
  5. Marks section in the Loose Page Output process template

    measurement. Default Marks Font Prinergy can populate variable marks with double-byte characters such as those found in Japanese, Chinese, and Korean. Here's an example of how you could use the feature: Create a Preps imposition file that includes a variable mark, such as $[PageName]. In Prinergy, in the Marks
    Prinergy 9.5Feb 13, 2024
  6. About signature ID codes

    and place the code as a Prinergy variable mark. Use the signature ID code in a Prinergy sheet mark or slug line mark. The signature ID code is applied to an imposition when it is imported into a Prinergy job. When you create the imposed output, Prinergy replaces the variable mark, sheet mark, or slug line
    Prinergy 9.0Apr 29, 2024
  7. Customizing tags in the PrintLink configuration file

    the variable. See the list of PrintLink-specific variables in Customizable tags in the PrintLink PPF file. To modify a default press interface setting
    Prinergy 11.0Aug 19, 2024
  8. Rotating a file in Compare mode

    . Click the Rotate button and from the list that appears, select 90° clockwise, 90° counter clockwise, or 180° to rotate the file.       比較表示で、異なる向きの画像を比
    IPP 9.5Jan 17, 2024
  9. Rotating a file in Compare mode

    . Click the Rotate button and from the list that appears, select 90° clockwise, 90° counter clockwise, or 180° to rotate the file.       比較表示で、異なる向きの画像を比
    IPP 9.2Jan 17, 2024
  10. Device section of the Final Output process template

    by Hewlett-Packard and used by a number of device manufacturers. Available when HPRTL is selected in the Output To list. Variable Mainscan Imaging This area applies only when the final output device is a Kodak device with the Variable Mainscan Resolution (VMR) option. The VMR option adjusts the pixel resolution
    Prinergy 10.0May 28, 2024