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  1. Example: Split Offset with Rotation web growth profile

    number causes the software to compensate by rotating the image in a counter-clockwise direction. A negative number causes clockwise rotation. Profile Example
    Prinergy 11.0Aug 19, 2024
  2. Duplicating Mark settings

    of degrees to rotate the mark image clockwise around the mark anchor point. Size Type Select a fixed or variable size type, and specify the fixed dimension …  and Height in the text boxes that appear.  To create a vertical mark that automatically matches the height of the component, select Variable height, and specify
    Preps 11Aug 30, 2024
  3. counter_clockwise.png

    VPS+ 11 / … / General preferencesApr 10, 2024
  4. counter_clockwise.png

    VPS+ / … / .General preferences v9.0Apr 10, 2024
  5. counter_clockwise.png

    VPS+ / … / .General preferences v10.0Apr 10, 2024
  6. Setting up the integration between Prinergy and DSF

    , select Manage Variables. In the Manage Variables Editor dialog box, click the Rule Set Variables tab, and enter the following values for the variables … . worddave3c9767eff32b8d70f094a7ef2656b1d.png The hot folder is created. dsf_instal_8.png Open the DSF Job Created rule. From the Edit menu, select Manage Variables
  7. Passing information to a later step in a rule

    You can save information from one step in a rule for use later in the rule. The best way to pass information to a later rule is by assigning it to a variable. See Variables for information about working with variables. If that does not work for your automation workflow, an alternative is to edit the code for the steps
  8. Installation folder (%AraxiHome%)

    The installation folder for Prinergy software is identified by an environment variable called <%AraxiHome%>. %AraxiHome% When you see %AraxiHome% in a file path, it refers to the installation folder of Prinergy software. %AraxiHome% is an environment variable in the Windows operating system. It is set during
  9. About creating raw APA

    CW (clockwise), 180, 90 CCW (counter-clockwise), or mixed (retain the original orientation from the PDF). Published by Scroll Versions from space
    Prinergy 11.0Aug 19, 2024
  10. Passing information to a later step in a rule

    You can save information from one step in a rule for use later in the rule. The best way to pass information to a later rule is by assigning it to a variable. See Variables for information about working with variables. If that does not work for your automation workflow, an alternative is to edit the code for the steps