Why you should complete this activity
This activity demonstrates the benefits of using Layered PDF Versioning as part of an automated workflow with Automated Page Assignment (APA).
This activity is important because it illustrates how to:
- Use Layered PDF Versioning with APA
Recommended reading
- Layered PDF Versioning for Prinergy User Guide
- Layered PDF Versioning Self-Study Guide
- Prinergy Workflow Workshop User Guide
What you'll need
For this activity you need to locate:
Prinergy Activity Practice Files /Act_32_LPV_APA
The instructor or coach will provide you with the location of the practice files.
Note: If you are completing this activity on your own or coaching others in your shop, copy the Prinergy Activity Practice Files
folder (available on the Kodak Partner Place internet portal at https://partnerplace.kodak.com/) directly to your workstation. For further information about these procedures, see Activity 1.
What you need to know
About Automated Page Assignment
Automated Page Assignment (APA) is a licensed feature that automatically assigns processed pages to the page set positions of an imposition plan. It can also automatically assign geometry to pages. In some cases, it automatically creates page sets.
APA uses a file (with the extension .apa) to map the page positions of an imposition plan to the file names of the pages that will be assigned to those positions.
When you import an imposition plan into a job, Prinergy compares the file names of the pages in the APA file to the file names of actual processed pages in the job. If the file names match, Prinergy automatically assigns the pages to the correct page positions of the imposition plan.
Layered PDF Versioning Models 1 and 2
Model 1 and 2 input files are non-layered input files and each contains the entire contents (base and change content) for one or more versions.
Model 1: [Cc, Mc, Yc, Kc, S]n
For each version, provide a single input file that contains a mix of base and change content, where the change content is defined as a spot color.
Model 2: [C, M, Y, K]n
For each version, provide a single input file that contains a mix of base and change content, where all content is in process color. The change content is not identified by color. However, the operator must know which colors contain change content.
Process templates used:
- Imposition proof process template: Imposition Output > Virtual Proof > Virtual Proof.Imposed.600