Why you should complete this activity
This activity gives you more practice using the refine and other loose-PDF-page proof processes in a Prinergy workflow.
This activity is important because it illustrates how to:
- Use shortcuts, preferences, job notes, and approvals—Scenario 1
- Bypass the refine process—Scenario 2
- Edit refined PDF pages using Prinergy PDF File Editor—Scenario 3
What you'll need
For this activity you need to locate:
Prinergy Activity Practice Files / Act_03_Refine PDF
The instructor or coach will provide you with the location of the practice files.
Note: If you are completing this activity on your own or coaching others in your shop, copy the Prinergy Activity Practice Files
folder (available on the Kodak Partner Place internet portal at https://partnerplace.kodak.com/) directly to your workstation. For further information about these procedures, see Activity 1.
What you need to know
Use shortcuts, preferences, job notes, and approvals
You work the day shift, and are asked to process a newly edited PDF file submitted by a customer. The night shift is responsible for imposing the pages after they are refined and approved.
You need to communicate to the night shift any issues regarding the PDF pages. Communications between the day shift and night shift staff are handled through Job Notes.
Job status is an attribute that you can set for a job or pre-job. Job status messages appear in the Job Finder and include:
- Created: The default status of any job created in InSite
- In Prepress: Indicates that a job or pre-job is active. Files dropped into the hot folder of the job or pre-job are processed. Also, the job or pre-job is included in Prinergy reports. This is the default status of all new jobs and pre-jobs.
- Ready for Final Output, Completed Final Output, On Press, and Shipped: Indicates progress of a job or pre-job. These statuses must be set manually.
- Completed: Indicates a job or pre-job is inactive. Files dropped into the hot folder of the job or pre-job are not processed. Also, the job or pre-job is not included in Prinergy reports. This is the default status of any job that is purged. It is also the default status of any retrieved job.
Process templates used:
- Refine process template::
Refine > Refine > 1st Ref-Normz
Bypass Refine > Bypass Refine > Bypass Refine
- Virtual proof process template:
Loose Page Output > VirtualProof > VirtualProof.LoosePage
- Loose page proof process template:
Loose Page Output > Laser Print > Read note below.
Note: Verify the Laser Print device name with your instructor, service representative, or your own system administrator. Before you can output a hard loose page proof, a printer must be configured as part of the device path in a loose page output process template.