You can import a raw imposition file using a job hot folder. You may need different hot folders with different process template options attached, depending on the import settings required by the job. For example, different device plate sizes require different process templates.

  1. Create a job hot folder.
  2. Create an import process template to attach to the hot folder.
  3. In the Import section of the import process template, select one of the following options:
    • Create Alternate Page Set and Imposition (if you want to create a new page set and imposition).
    • Keep Existing Page Set and Create New Imposition
  4. If you selected Keep Existing Page Set and Create New Imposition, select one of the available Page Set Options:
    • Existing assignments replaced by new assignments
    • Existing assignments replaced by new unassignments
  5. In the Profile list in the Import Raw Imposition Files section, select Default.
  6. In the Device list, select an available device that supports your plan.
  7. For Output Signatures, select All.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Drop the Preps .job file, Preps JDF file, or the JDF-MIS stripping parameters file into the job hot folder.

After the hot folder accepts the Preps job file, the integrated Preps software creates the PJTF and marks files that are automatically imported into the job. The imposition plan is added to the job. The Preps .job file is saved in the <job folder>\System\ImpositionPlans folder.

When a JDF-MIS stripping parameters file is dropped into an existing job hot folder, the integrated Preps software creates the Preps job, finds a matching signature, and outputs PJTF and marks files that are automatically imported into the Prinergy job. The page set is created and the Preps job is saved in the <job folder>\System\ImpositionPlans folder. If a matching signature is not found, the PJTF and marks files are not created and an imposition plan is not imported.

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