In Job Finder, you can move jobs and pre-jobs between two Prinergy systems using the File > Move Job From Remote Server function. When you move a job or pre-job, the job files remain on the job's home server. Previously, you could move jobs and pre-jobs to another server only by exporting them.

This feature is useful for the following tasks:

  • Upgrading a server—you can move all of the jobs off a Prinergy system before upgrading it.
  • Maximizing production—you can move jobs between Prinergy systems to distribute the workload. For example, if you have 20 jobs running on one primary server and only five jobs running on another primary server, you can move some jobs to achieve better throughput.

For instructions about moving jobs and pre-jobs between two Prinergy systems, see Moving jobs from remote servers.


When you move a job or pre-job from another Prinergy system, make sure that you are aware of the following limitations:

  • Job folders—The job files remain on the source server.
  • Process templates—if the job has a hot folder that processes files using a custom process template, it is assumed that the process template on the target Prinergy system has the same settings as the process template on the source Prinergy system.
  • Custom fields—when you move a job that contains custom field information, it is also available for the job on the target Prinergy system.
  • Rules-Based Automation—when you move a job that has rule sets enabled in it, the rule sets are copied from the source Prinergy system and re-enabled in the moved job on the target Prinergy system. However, if a rule is executing when the job is moved, execution is permanently stopped.


When you move a job or pre-job from another Prinergy system, make sure that you are aware of the following requirements:

  • Both Prinergy systems must be running the same Prinergy version.
  • The source job or pre-job must not be in use when you move the job.
  • The job cannot be purged—either partially or fully.
  • The target Prinergy system must not already have a job with the same name.
  • The job cannot have a hot folder that processes files using a custom process template, unless the custom process template also exists on the target Prinergy system.
  • The target server (the one you are moving the job from) must be defined as the job home of the destination server. To do this:
    1. On the primary server, open Prinergy Administrator > Tools > Files Shares.
    2. On Network File Shares Configuration, click Add.
    3. In the Choose New Share box, enter the server name (or ID) and the job home that you want to share (for example, AraxiVolume_ServerName_J) .
    4. When new share host is added to File Shares (on the left side), select it with the cursor, and then select the Share can be used for job home check box on the right side.
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