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    1.  In any window, from the Tools menu, select Process Template Editor.
    2. Open an output process template (loose page output, imposition output, or final output process template) .
    3. Open the Marks section.
    4. To place a sheet mark, click Browse beside the Sheet Marks box to locate the sheet marks PDF file.
      Tip: If you are typing the path name directly in the box, use the variable %system% as part of the path name to denote the%AraxiHome%\CreoAraxi folder on your Prinergy system.


      Entered in Sheet Mark box%system%\data\MarkSets\Sheet Marks\B&W Proofers\Composite Proofs\SheetMark-BW-Comp.pdf
      Resulting path name%AraxiHome%\CreoAraxi\data\MarkSets\Sheet Marks\B&W Proofers\Composite Proofs\SheetMark-BW-Comp.pdf

    5. Select the Calibrate check box to apply calibration curves to the marks.
      The calibration curve is set in the Calibration Curve list in the Calibration & Screening section of the output process template.
    6. From the Locate Sheet Marks Adjacent to box, select a location for the sheet marks, and then specify the distance in the at Distance box.
    7. If you are setting the loose page process template and you want to set a page mark, click Browse beside the Page Marks box to locate the page marks PDF.
    8. Select the Calibrate check box to apply calibration curves to the masks.
    9. From the Locate Page Marks Adjacent to box, select a location for the page marks, and then specify the distance.
    10. Save and close the process template.

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