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    1. From the Tools menu, select Color Editor.
    2.  In the Color Editor, in the Color Libraries section, perform any of the following actions:


      ToDo This

      Add a library

      1. Click Add.
      2. In the Add New Color Library dialog box, in the Library Name box, type a name for the new library.
        Tip: If you choose a name for the color library that begins with System, such as SystemCMYK, SystemLAB, or SystemPackaging (must-be a one-word name), the library will automatically be added to the top of a selected color libraries list, in any new refine or output process template. This is useful when you want to a Global system library added by default to every new refine or output process template.
      3. Either select an existing color space and click OK, or create a color space.

      Import a library

      1. Click Import.
      2. In the Import Color Library dialog box, navigate to and select the color library (.dat) file.
      3. If you want to rename the color library file, change the file name but do not change the file extension, and then click OK.
        Tip: If you choose a name for the color library that begins with System, such as SystemCMYK, SystemLAB, or SystemPackaging (must-be a one-word name), the library will automatically be added to the top of a selected color libraries list, in any new refine or output process template. This is useful when you want to a Global system library added by default to every new refine or output process template. 
      Note: When importing a color library, ensure that the color space associated with the color library exists in the Prinergy system. If the color space name or colorants don't match, the import fails.

      Edit a library

      See Managing color definitions.

      Remove a library

      Click a library, click Remove, and then click Yes to confirm.

      Important: Removing a user library deletes color definitions in both Global and Job tabs.

      Export a library

      1. In the Color Libraries section, click a library, and then click Export.
      2. In the Export Color Library dialog box, navigate to and select the destination directory.
      3. If you want to rename the color library file, change the file name but do not change the file extension. Then click OK.
        Tip: If you choose a name for the color library that begins with System, such as SystemCMYK, SystemLAB, or SystemPackaging (must-be a one-word name), the library will automatically be added to the top of a selected color libraries list, in any new refine or output process template. This is useful when you want to a Global system library added by default to every new refine or output process template. 


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