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    Make sure that your input files are of the supported types and comply with one of the supported models.

    Supported input file types

    Prinergy LPV supports the following types of input files:

    • Composite PostScript files
    • Composite PDF files (layered and non-layered)
    • Pre-separated PostScript files
    • Separated PDF files

    Prinergy LPV offers limited support for contone/line work (CT/LW) and CEPS files.
    Note: Once a PostScript input file has been added into Prinergy and refined, it becomes a PDF page (composite, or separated).

    Layered PDF input files

    When possible, use layered PDF input files instead of non-layered PDF input files for LPV jobs. Using layered PDF input files generally reduces the number of steps involved in setting up an LPV job:

    • Reducing the number of files reduces the potential errors made during the adding and linking steps.
    • When you refine layered PDF input files, Prinergy automatically adds and defines the layers in the version plan according to the contents of the input files.


    Layered PDF input file requirements

    Layer names and content in input files should reflect how you want them in the version plan; however, layers can be mapped to other layers during refine.

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