Use the Version Plan Quick Builder to help you quickly set up versions and layers.

Tip: Use the Tab key to quickly access successive boxes in the Version Plan Quick Builder.

  1. In Job Manager, click the Version Plan view.
  2. In the Version Plan view, from the Versioning menu, select Version Plan Quick Builder.
  3. In the Version Plan Quick Builder dialog box, click Replace existing Version Plan.
  4. In the Base Layer box, type the name of the base layer.
  5. In the Number of Versions box, type the number of versions that require the base layer that you named in the previous step.
  6. In the Version Names box, type a version name. Repeat to name the remaining versions, and click Create Versions.
  7. Perform the following as appropriate:

    If your job requires


    Only one base

    Click Close. Go to step 8.

    More than one base

    Click Add to Version Plan, and repeat steps 4 to 6 for each additional base, and then click Close. Then, go to step 8.

  8. If any assumptions that the Version Plan Quick Builder makes are incorrect, in particular, the one change layer assumption, modify the version plan using manual procedures.

Import Feature:

You can import a CSV spreadsheet, to populate the Version Plan

Use the Rows to Import (Numbers) field to selectively import only specific rows from your spreadsheet. For example entering, "2,3-5" would only import those rows.

Use the Columns to Import (Alphabets) field to selectively import only specific columns from your spreadsheet. For example entering, "A,C" would only import those columns

Check the option Select All, to import all rows and columns from the spreadsheet

Note: When there are non-ascii characters such as accents and umlauts present in your data, be sure to save your spreadsheet in the UTF-8 format

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