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    1. In Prinergy Workshop, select Tools > Smart Hot Folder Manager.
    2. In the Smart Hot Folder Manager, click Add.
    3. In the Add Smart Hot Folder dialog box, in the Smart Hot Folder Name box, type a name for the smart hot folder, for example, Preps Ganging Import.
    4. In the Smart Hot Folder Location box, perform one of the following steps:
      • Click Browse and navigate to a location that is a convenient place for you to drop the Preps Ganging output file.
      • Click Use Default Location.
        Note: On installation, the default location is the Jobs\SmartHotFolders folder on the Prinergy server.
    5. Under Hot Folder Type, click Job Creator.
    6. In the Create a new job based on the job template box, click Browse. In the Select Template Job dialog box, perform the following steps:
      1. Navigate to and select the template job with hot folders that you created in Creating a template job with hot folders.
      2. Under Copy from Selected Job, ensure that the Hot Folders check box is selected, and click OK.
    7. In the left-hand pane, click Source and Target Patterns.
    8. In the Source File Name Pattern box, type [$GangJob].[%ext]
    9. In Target Group, click Browse, and select the location to which the newly created jobs should go.
    10. In the Target Job Name Pattern box, type [$GangJob]
    11. In the left-hand pane, click File Move Rules, and follow these steps:
      1. Under the table, click Add.
      2. Under Source File Name Pattern, click Use Smart Hot Folders Source Pattern.
      3. Under Target File Name Pattern, clear the Rename files check box.
      4. Click the Move to Job Hot Folder option. From the list, select the import process template that was created in the job hot folder in Creating an import process template with APA enabled, and click OK.
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