Page tree

    You can import an imposition at any time to:

    • Add an imposition to a job.
      (This includes reusing an existing imposition and substituting new pages rather than creating a new imposition.)
    • Rename an imposition. Currently, Prinergy does not support renaming of impositions. To rename an imposition, import it and change the name during the import.

    For the import to be successful:

    • The marks file and imposition file must be stored in the same folder.
    • The new pages must be the same shape and size as the original pages.

    Using menus or hot folders

    You can import imposition and marks files using the Import Imposition menu item or by dropping the imposition and marks files into a hot folder or smart hot folder.
    When you import an imposition plan it appears in the Imposition Plans pane of the Signatures view.

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