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The In Process queue displays the list of jobs currently being processed or printed, or waiting to be processed or printed, on the selected device.
Jobs are displayed in the device order, so that the first job in the list is the first in the device’s queue.
Jobs that are printing or waiting to be printed are displayed before jobs that are processing or waiting to be processed.
Jobs that were not submitted from the connected Prinergy server appear unavailable (in gray).

If a job is in the running status, you can abort the process. If a digital job is in waiting (Queued) status, you can move the job to another device or remove it from the In Process queue.

The In Process queue contains the following information about each of the jobs in the queue:


Displays the name of the job submitted to the digital or CTP device


Displays the the status of the job: QueuedRunning or Done


For jobs submitted from the connected Prinergy server, this is the date and time the job was submitted. You can change the order in the list of jobs starting from the earliest date to the latest and vice versa by clicking the arrow next to Submitted. For other jobs, this information is unavailable and N/A is displayed.
Note: To toggle between displaying the list of jobs in ascending or descending order of date of submission, click the arrow  next to the column's name. 

No. Pages

For jobs submitted from the connected Prinergy server, this is the number of pages in the PDF submitted to the device. For other jobs, this information is unavailable and N/A is displayed.


For jobs submitted from the connected Prinergy server, this is the defined number of copies. For other jobs, this information is not displayed.


For jobs submitted from the connected Prinergy server, this column displays a progress bar of the current process; when the process is finished, the progress bar disappears. For other jobs, this information is not displayed.


For jobs submitted from the connected Prinergy server, this is the estimated print time for the selected job based on the number of printable surfaces in the job, number of copies and the print speed (device speed) set when the device was added in Device Track or Prinergy Administrator. For other jobs, this information does not appear.

If a job is in the running status, you can abort the process. If a job is in waiting (Queued) status, you can move the job to another device or remove it from the In Process queue.

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