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    The Queue Manager window consists of two views, each with their own columns: JTP Queues view and Process Types view.

    The columns you see depend on which columns you are displaying or hiding. See Displaying and hiding columns.

    JTP Queues View

    Displays all active processes for a specific JTP (job ticket processor) in your system.
    The left-hand pane of the JTP Queues view (known as the Filter palette) lists the JTPs that reside on the server. This list may vary depending on the configuration of your system.
    Click a JTP to display all active processes for that JTP in the right-hand pane (the View pane).


    Displays the name of the process, the status of the process using status icons, and the icon for the process template group to which the process belongs.

    Queue Position

    A number representing the position of the process in the queue. When processes include multiple files, a range of position numbers is shown, representing the position of the first and last files.


    See Select Task Priority dialog box.


    The name of the job with which the process is associated.


    The logon ID of the user who initiated the process.

    Submitted (at)

    The date and time that the process was initiated.

    Process Template

    The name of the process template used to initiate the process.

    Process Template Group

    The group to which the process template used to initiate the process belongs.


    The process template type for this process, for example, Archive, Retrieve, or Purge.

    Status / Process Status

    The status of the process, for example, Queued, Active, or Ended.


    The number and type of elements that are inputs to the process.


    Process Types View

    Displays all active processes for a specific process type in your system.
    The left-hand pane of the Process Types view (known as the Filter palette) lists the process types that reside on the server.
    This list may vary depending on the configuration of your system.
    Click a process type to display all active processes for that process type in the right-hand pane (the View pane).


    Displays the name of the process, the status of the process using status icons, and the icon for the process template group to which the process belongs.


    See Select Task Priority dialog box.


    The name of the job with which the process is associated.


    The logon ID of the user who initiated the process.

    Submitted (at)

    The date and time that the process was initiated.

    Started (at)

    The date and time that the JTP (job ticket processor) began executing the process.

    Process Template

    The name of the process template used to initiate the process.

    Process Template Group

    The group to which the process template used to initiate the process belongs.

    Status / Process Status

    The status of the process, for example, Queued, Active, or Ended.


    The number and type of elements that are inputs to the process.

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