- In Prinergy Workshop, create a job.
- In Job Manager, import an imposition from Preps.
The following items are imported from the Preps job ticket to the Prinergy job:
- Input files referenced in the job ticket are added to the job.
- If the job ticket contains products and parts, these are imported into the job, and are displayed in the Product/Part column in the Pages view and Signatures view.
- If pages were assigned in the Preps job ticket, the Run List column in Workshop displays the Preps run list and this information is mapped to the page set position in Prinergy.
Note: If pages were not assigned in the Preps job ticket, you can process the files using a refine process template with the Automated Page Assignment (APA) option turned on in the Impose section. Based on the instructions in the APA file, Prinergy assigns the refined pages to the page set positions and the geometry to the pages.
{"serverDuration": 83, "requestCorrelationId": "c8b5a79cf64984be"}