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    Note: The Prompt for Tapes From These Pools First option is no longer supported.

    Available Pools and Disk Volumes

    Lists the media pools and disk volumes that can be added to the Destination Pools and Disk Volumes list.

    Destination Pools and Disk Volumes

    Specifies the media pools and disk volumes to which copies of the jobs will be written. You add media pools and disk volumes to the Destination Pools and Disk Volumes list from the Available Pools and Disk Volumes list. When you specify a media pool or disk volume, Archiver selects one or more disk volumes in that media pool to which to copy the data.
    It is a best practice to archive to two media pools or disk volumes. Similarly, if you are copying a damaged disk volume, create multiple copies by selecting more than one destination pool or disk volume.


    In the Available Pools and Disk Volumes list, select the media pools or disk volumes that you want to add to the Destination Pools and Disk Volumes list, and then click the Add button that is next to the desired list.


    Click Delete next to the Destination Pools and Disk Volumes list to remove the selected media pools and disk volumes from that list.


    Resets the list of media pools and disk volumes in the Destination Pools and Disk Volumes list to the list that you last saved.

    Temporary Location for Retrieved Files

    Medium Logical Copy retrieves each file to disk as it copies the source medium. Once files are copied back to a destination medium, the temporary disk file is deleted. Use the Temporary Location for Retrieved Files list to specify a location where the retrieved files will be temporarily stored.
    Important: The temporary location for retrieved files must not be inside a folder that is shared using Services For Macintosh (SFM).
    Note: The temporary disk location for retrieved files must be on a configured file share.

    Working Disk Space to Allocate for Retrieved Files

    Specifies the maximum amount of disk space in GB that the system should use for temporarily storing retrieved files. The default is 20 GB.
    The more space you allocate, the more efficient the Medium Logical Copy process will be. Allocating enough space prevents excessive tape swapping.
    Note: If you cancel and restart a copy task, recovery takes less time if your working space allocation is smaller.
    You can look in Media Manager to see how much data is on a disk volume when considering how much space to allocate for temporary storage of retrieved files. The value in the Used Space column is roughly the amount of space you will need to be able to store all of the data on the disk volume.

    Verify Archive

    Select this option to have the system read every new archive that the Medium Logical Copy task creates, to verify that no hard read errors exist on the destination media.
    The purpose of this feature is to ensure that the new disk volume is readable and that the information is retrievable. It is a best practice to always enable this option.
    If the verification of any new archive fails, the system fails the process and displays an error message in the History view of Job Manager and in System History.
    Note: When you enable this option, the write phase of the Medium Logical Copy process will take about twice as long.

    Skip Remainder of Saveset After First File Read Error

    Prevents Archiver from trying to copy the rest of the job after receiving a file read error.
    When this feature is enabled and Archiver encounters a file read error, it tries to copy the job from another disk volume (if you archived the job to at least two media pools or disk volumes). Copying the job from another disk volume will likely be much faster than trying to copy from a disk volume with errors.
    If the feature is disabled, Archiver tries to copy each file in the job. The time it takes depends largely on the number of files. If some files are barely readable, the process can be extremely slow.

    Disable this feature only if all of the following are true:

      • The first Medium Logical Copy attempt failed.
      • No other copy of the job exists.
      • You really need the data.

    For tape archives, if you try to perform a medium logical copy with the feature disabled, cleaning the tape drive first gives you the best chance of reading the data.

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