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    1. A supported spectrophotometer is required for tasks such as calibrating a proofer and measuring color bars.
    2. Note: Use any Kodak instructions or guidelines in conjunction with the manufacturer’s documentation for the applicable device.

    Color measurement guidelines

    • For consistent results and reporting, use the same spectrophotometer model with the same measurement condition or UV filter to capture all color measurements related to a media configuration.
    • Ensure the spectrophotometer is calibrated/certified according to manufacturer’s specifications.
    • Ensure you don’t scratch, mark, or touch the surface to be measured.

    Device maintenance and care

    • Be gentle and use minimal pressure.
    • Maintain the device firmware at the latest available version.
    • Take extreme care while handling all components of the instrument.
    • Clean the reference tiles once per month with distilled water, lens tissues, and compressed air.
    • When handling reference tiles, use gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints and oils on the measuring surfaces.
    • If present, clean any physical filters once per month with distilled water, lens tissues, and compressed air.

    Measurement conditions support

    Kodak Proofing Software supports the M0, M1, and M2 measurement conditions specified by the ISO 13655:2009 standard.

    A measurement condition represents the combination of a spectrophotometer’s physical illumination condition and the software’s method for calculating the results.
    The M0, M1, and M2 capabilities of a spectrophotometer depend on the device model and phsyical configuration. When you connect a spectrophotometer and start a measurement task, the software can identify the model and determine its capabilities.

    Mx spectrophotomers

    “Mx” is a nickname for devices that can be switched between the M0, M1, and M2 measurement conditions via software settings. Older devices can measure only in M0 (unfiltered) or M2 (UV-cut filtered).

    Available measurement conditions

    M1—CIE D50 (hybrid unfiltered)

    The M1 hybrid-type measurement condition uses a non- polarized illuminant that includes some UV and most closely mimics normal daylight. The UV range corresponds to the P1 viewing condition in the ISO 3664 standard.

    Note: M1 is not available for devices equipped with a physical filter.

    M2—UV-cut plus OBC

    The M2 measurement condition uses a non-polarized illuminant with no UV energy. The UV is excluded by a natural property of the illuminant.

    Note: If requested, X-Rite may ship an i1Pro 2 spectrophotometer with a built-in physical UV filter. Devices with a physical filter can measure only in M2. The resulting legacy-type UV-cut measurements are not affected by fluorescence.

    M0 (unfiltered)

    The M0 measurement condition uses a non-polarized illuminant that does not filter out the UV.

    Note: M0 correlates to legacy unfiltered (U) measurements. Unfiltered measurements may provide skewed results when inks or substrates contain optical brighteners.

    Matchprint Inkjet support

    The following Mx spectrophotometer types can be used to collect M0, M1, or M2 color measurements:

    • An inline spectrophotometer equipped with the SpectroProofer ILS30 head
    • An i1Pro 2 spectrophotometer, either handheld, used with an accessory such as the zebra ruler guide, or mounted in an automated measuring table (i1iO2 or adapted i1iO).

    Note: An i1Pro 2 equipped with a physical UV-cut filter supports M2 only.

    Note: Advanced knowledge of the M1 measurement condition is recommended if you use the Certified Process for Color Confirmation aligned with the latest industry standards, for color-critical work.

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