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The Kodak PressProof software enables users to perform monitor proofing in the pressroom. The operator views a color-accurate surface on a calibrated computer monitor and checks the printed press sheet against it.
Kodak Matchprint Virtual technology allows users who run Apple Mac OS X systems with a calibrated color monitor to perform color-accurate virtual proofing in the PressProof software. The operator views the surface in PressProof in Full Screen mode (one inch on the monitor equals one inch on paper).
This document explains how to install the Matchprint Virtual software, configure monitor settings, and configure PressProof for virtual proofing.
Perform the following actions to set up your system:
Configure the Mac computer preferences.
Install the PressProof software.
Install the Matchprint Virtual monitor calibration software on your Mac computer and connect the measuring device.
Set monitor luminance levels.
Calibrate the color monitor.
- Set light source.
View surfaces for color accuracy.