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    Requirements: You must have a project role that includes the Arrange/Modify user right.

    If no graphic components of a given type are included in the element, that type's source profile list appears as Not Applicable, and you cannot assign a source profile of that type.

    If graphic components of a given type are included in the element, but no source profile is applied to those components, that type's source profile list appears as Unassigned, and you can select a source profile to assign to all untagged components of that type.

    If graphic components of a given type are included in the element and a source profile is already assigned to those components, the profile is listed in the type's source profile list. You can change the profile.

    Your system administrator configures the source profiles that are available for selection.

    When you assign a source profile to CMYK graphic components, performance may be poor during rendering of the element in Smart Review. Also, the interpretation of overprinted process objects changes, which may change the appearance of the element. If no source profile is assigned to an untagged CMYK image or graphic component, InSite Creative Workflow assumes that the component is already in the target CMYK color space.
    An RGB component cannot be rendered in Smart Review without using an RGB profile. If no source profile is assigned to an untagged RGB component, InSite Creative Workflow automatically uses the Adobe RGB (1998) profile when the component is rendered.

    1. In the Elements view, click the element, and then click the source profile name in the lower pane.
      The Set Source Profile dialog box appears.
    2. Select the source profile for each type of graphic component in the element for which you want to assign a profile.
      You can select up to four profiles—one for each type of component in the element (CMYK images, CMYK graphics, RGB images, and RGB graphics).
    3. Click Apply, or click OK.

    Note: You can view the source profiles for an alias, but you cannot modify its source profiles.

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