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You can create a plate calibration curve to linearize the plates for quality process control. 


Create a plate calibration curve and enter 53 for the measured Dot Area to represent a 3% gain.

Task 1: Create a new plate calibration curve in ColorFlow

  1. In ColorFlow, click the Plate Curves tab.
  2. In the Plate Calibration Curves section, click the Add button .
  3.  In the New Plate Curve dialog box, enter the following:
    1. In the Device Type box, select Offset Press.
    2. In the Plate Type box, select Kodak Thermal Gold or add the value to the list if it doesn't exist:
      1. Click the Edit button .
      2. Click the Add button 
      3. .Enter  Kodak Thermal Gold.
    3. In the Screening box, select 150 lpi AM or add the value to the list if it doesn't exist.
    4. In the Plate Line box, select Trendsetter or add the value to the list if it doesn't exist.
  4. Click OK.
  5. In the Data panel on the right, name your plate curve by entering XX new plate curve (where xx=your initials) in the Plate Curve Name box.
  6. In the Measured Plate Response section, enter the measured Dot Area values for each Tint In value.
    In a real life situation, you would output an uncalibrated plate in Prinergy and measure it using a measurement device. For the purpose of this training, enter the following value:

    Tint inDot Area
  7. Click Apply.
    A plate curve with a linear response is generated. 
  8. Select the Show curve in Prinergy check box.

Task 2: View the plate curves in Prinergy

  1. In Prinergy, click Tools > Process Template Editor > Loose Page Output > Virtual Proof.
  2. Click Virtual Proof.LoosePage.
  3. In the Loose Page Output dialog box, expand the Calibration & Screening panel.
  4. Click the ColorFlow Current State radio button.
  5. Expand the Plate Curve drop down list, you should see the plate curve you just created.

Task 3: Output a page using the plate curve in Prinergy

  1. In Prinergy, create a new job, and name it as XX Plate Curve (where XX = your initials).
  2. Refine Chart_TintRamp_CMYK.pdf with 1stRef-Normz.
  3. Output the PDF file using Virtual Proof.LoosePage with one of the plate curves you just created:
    1. In your Virtual Proof.LoosePage Process template dialog box, from the Output To list, select Virtual Proof.
    2. Leave ColorFlow Color Relationship Management unchecked.
    3. Expand the Calibration & Screening panel.
    4. Click the ColorFlow Current State radio button.
    5. Expand the Plate Curve drop down list and select curve XX new plate curve.
  4. Open the generated page in VPS and measure the 50% black patch.
    Confirm that the plate curve has been applied and the 50% black patch measures 47%. 


You have created a new plate calibration curve and used it in Prinergy to control the tonal response of a plate.


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